Additional Products

StaffRelay provides employers with the means to automate several Human Resource processes.

Other Products 2017-10-02T15:22:56+00:00

StaffRelay provides employers with the means to automate several Human Resource processes. In addition to providing our flagship products: Employee Absence Notification (E.A.N.), Personnel Replacement, and Worker Safety, StaffRelay provides additional solutions designed to meet your unique business processes.

Consultation and Design

Not sure where to start?

We provide consultation for the creation of employee programs, literature, and marketing materials.

Looking for something unique?

We provide customization and design of voice and web applications to fit your unique business environment.

Applications can “talk” to each other!

Our highly-trained developers can provide integration to application data environments to remove redundant tasks.

But it can be “yours”!

We offer logo, name, and branding (white labeling) to ensure your employees feel right at home.

Interested in Our Solutions? Contact Us.

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